miércoles, 18 de julio de 2018

Some thoughts about Runaways #11

Is Gert ready for these times?

Gert has been feeling out of place after being revived and now she has realized that she's not even as special as before.

Okay, that cover was pretty misleading.

Rainbow Rowell brings another chapter where she continues the classic family dynamics and fun characterization of this book. The solicits fooled me though, they initially mentioned that Gert was going to have some sort of identity crisis after learning that in this day and age everyone dyes their hair just like hers and so I thought this was going to be some sort of social commentary about how much people are following trends these days to the point of losing their individuality.

Sadly, that's not the case and the issue barely has any focus. In fact, the story is centered around the whole team and how they're dealing with all of their problems which is fine since I love that about this title and the chapter manages to deliver interesting developments but I wish they would have used another solicit for it.

There's barely any plot by the way but I'm still cool with it since everything else, from the character work and dialogue, is pretty solid.

There's also a second feature that finally reveals what happened to Klara which is something I've been wondering for a while and the answer is pretty simple in fact and kinda appropriate I guess considering that she's still a child who needed a proper family. I'm going to miss her with the team though.

Kris Anka handles the art and is really good looking with his classic beautiful characters and expressive storytelling.

Good read, I like this kind of calmed issues.

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