miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Some thoughts about Transformers: Lost Light #9

Nautica will have to realize what is most precious to her.

There's a chance to save Skids but Nautica will have to sacrifice something really important to do so and even worse things could happen if she does it.

This little storyarc concludes in satisfying manner.

James Robert delivers a new chapter where he focuses primarily on the relationship between Nautica and Velocity. The characterization is one of the strongest points here since Roberts implements one of the last plot-points from the previous series, Skids' death, in a logical way that affects the friendship between Nautica and Velocity and it devolves in quite touching and emotional moments that makes you sympathize with both of them, particularly Velocity considering what is about to happen.

Not only that but Roberts uses his classic long-term planning to inject some sub-plots here and there that will most likely be used in the future which include the return of one of the greatest villains in the Transfomers universe.

Priscilla Tramontano remains in art duties and her work is still surprisingly fitting here with a pretty flexible and appealing style that depicts the characters nicely.

Solid stuff, excited for the next one and hope it arrives sooner.

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