viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

Some thoughts about Justice League of America #14

Can the Justice League save Ray Palmer?

Ryan has been doing all in his power to find his teacher and he might be closer than ever now but that doesn't come without a price.

Goddammit, still not feeling this storyline.

Steve Orlando continues his story Panic in the Microverse in quite frankly, a pretty underwhelming manner. I was expecting more interesting concepts and worldbuilding during this arc and while some of those aspects are present here and there, they're not interesting enough to be invested in the read, even the few characters who are introduced here are easily forgettable.

The characterization is decent at least with appropriate moments depicting their personality but is nothing really remarkable nor deep. Even the twist at the end was quite predictable.

Ivan Reis remains in art duties and I feel like he's wasted here. His work is beautiful without a doubt and makes the scenes of this uninspired script impressive.

I think I'm done with this book, just waiting for this arc to be over.

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