miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2014

Some thoughts about Grayson #2

Dick Grayson is a secret agent of Spyral now, but he's about to learn what that truly means.

Some of the agents from the organization have been suffering some strange attacks and it's up to both Dick and Matron Bertinelli to find the culprit but it could be much more dangerous than what they initially thought.

Second issue from this new ongoing series and I must say that I unfortunately didn't like it as much.

Don't get me wrong, the parts that work work really well. Both Tim Seeley and Tom King create a chapter where they're not only dedicated to tell a competent story but also to create the world of Spyral much more interesting and connect it to the other secret organizations in some way.

There's also other characters that people might recognize here and don't usually appear on other titles but I'm glad they did here. Plus, the character work is pretty good by portraying an interesting dynamic between Dick and the rest of the cast including Batman.

Where lies my problem then? Well, the dialogue here was pretty overwritten at times and at some point even clunky, it unfortunately affected the plot more than it helped it and didn't make the art express what was happening enough.

Speaking of the pencils, they're beautiful. Mikel Janin continues as the artist from this series and he brings gorgeous character models along with some pretty interesting panels, I just wish he had more freedom to experiment with his work here.

Solid issue still, the flaws don't really ruin it, they just make it a bit clustered.

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