martes, 19 de marzo de 2024

Some thoughts about Superman #12

What is the connection between Lex Luthor and his enemies?

Superman wants to know the truth about what made these super genius want to kill Lex and the answer might be more surprising than he would expect. However, this is far from the biggest problem they both will have to face.

This storyarc comes to an end at last and overall, I would say it was satisfying.

Joshua Williamson offers a new installment where he delivers a few revelations about the plot-points he has been developing since day 1. First of all, the reason behind the attack against Lex does make sense, it might be a bit predictable in superhero terms but at the same time, it kinda connects to Lex's own origins as a genius supervillain and presents an interesting twist to it while also connecting to his past in Smallville. Is nicely done and Williamson offers his classic references like the return of Luthor's Superman suit which I was always fond of.

The pacing in terms of action scenes continues to be a bit erratic but is mostly carried by the strong dynamic between Clark and Lex and gives us an appropriate ending for the conflict. There's also a big tease at the end which doesn't come out of nowhere since it has been hinted for a while too.

David Baldeon and Norm Rapmund share the pencils and their work is fine overall, fluid style and tells the story clear enough.

Solid conclusion. Let's see how the book goes on from here.

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