miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2019

Some thoughts about Aquaman #46

Can Aquaman face a God?

A deity who has been absent for years has arrived in search for her daughter who has formed a connection to Arthur.

Guess what? Still not getting better.

Kelly Sue DeConnick delivers a new chapter where she starts delivering a few revelations concerning some of the characters but at the same time, they're not particularly engaging. The arrival of the new Goddess brings another level of threat but again, as a character she's not particularly interesting because she's basically a big bad villain the protagonist needs to defeat and the only thing that makes it kinda compelling is that she delivers the revelation that Caille was her daughter all this time which is okay I guess but is not like she was an interesting character either to begin with and so, I don't feel more invested in neither her nor the story.

Speaking about the story, is still pretty boring sadly. The battle against the Goddess shows a few exciting moments based on Arthur's character but at the same time they're very few and don't save this from being a rather mediocre battle. This might be because the antagonist is simply not engaging in the slightlest.

Robson Rocha's artwork continues to be really good though with a great sense of storytelling and skill at depicting supernatural events.

Aside from that, getting ready to drop this already.

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