miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

Some thoughts about Nightwing #31

Nightwing will have to fight for his city.

Raptor is ready to take everyone in Bludhaven and even Blockbuster is having problems with him. Now Dick might be the next victim.

Again, classic closing time stuff but good enough.

Tim Seeley continues the road to the end of his run and does it by bringing several plot-points together. The characterization is great thanks to the usual understanding of Dick's character as well as his relationships with the rest with payoff in certain surprising ways like in Helena's case.

The rest of the cast also get solid moments including Blockbuster and the group of ex-villains that Dick helped which seem to be connected to Raptor's plans and hopefully all of these sub-plots will have a satisfying conclusion.

Miguel Mendonca handles the art and his work is still pretty solid thanks to his clean style that delivers good looking characters.

Decent continuation, hope the finale is appropriate.

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