miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

Some thoughts about Justice League of America #17

The Microverse needs to survive.

Ray Palmer has been trying to protect Ryan from the dangers of this place but now he will have to realize that his student is the key to protected.

This overly long story concludes and I don't think is enough.

I've been complaining for a while about how tiring this storyline that Steve Orlando created has been and while this finale is appropriate enough, is not enough to compensate for it. For one, we see teases of how the Microverse is connected to the vast Multiverse and the writer includes solid character moments for The Atoms that show how important they are in their respective missions while also including a satisfying resolution for Ryan.

That being said, this arc has been a bore for the most part and the decent ending can't make me ignore the forgettable characters, villains and overall plot that were presented here. This should have been much shorter since it didn't have enough to make readers invested.

Iva Reis returns to pencils and his work is not even that good here. Some solid scenes here and there but at times it looked rushed.

I would drop this already but Orlando is bringing back one of the best additions of his Midnighter book apparently so it might be worth checking out. Not expecting much at this point though.

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