miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2015

Some thoughts about Worlds' Finest #31

The secret history of Earth 2 continues.

Superman, Batman and the rest of the Wonders are trying to save the planet from a mysterious attack that has a strange pattern. Meanwhile, in her investigation Lois Lane will follow her final fate.

Welp, this gives some insight at least.

Paul Levitz continues to explore the past of Earth 2 while revealing several aspects from the characters and how this apparently connects to the current events.

As a story it works pretty well in fact. The characterization is pretty solid and the writer manages to include nice details about the inevitable destiny of some of these characters.

Jed Dougherty comes back to art duties and his work is still not that appealing to me but it still follows the story competently.

Overall, this continues to be the best story that this series has seen so for people who are interested in the past, is perfect.

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