miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

Some thoughts about Doomsday Clock #7

Where or when is Doctor Manhattan?

Ozymandias has been using people all this time to find Jon and he might have gone too far for nothing since Jon has other plans in mind.

Any week where this book is released in a great week in my book.

Geoff Johns offers a new installment where he finally delivers the inevitable encounter with Doctor Manhattan. The story starts strongly with a huge fight between all the different heroes and villains which provides solid characterization from all sides, even the Joker, a villain who has received more than enough appearances, manages to surprise with interesting reactions and conversations based on the bizarre situation that is ocurring.

The plot escalates powerfully up to the point where they finally find Jon and this brings a ton of reveals concerning this whole journey, particularly how far Adrian can go to fulfill his plans and puts everything that has happened in a new context. It also reveals more interesting developments about the new Rorschach that goes accordingly to the original Watchmen series and I'm glad that Johns is not wasting any event from that book and is creating logical outcomes based on what happened.

Finally, the issue ends in a pretty interesting cliffhanger where we finally learn Superman's role in all of this. This title was originally sold as a Superman story so his lack of appearances are a bit odd but on the other hand, this allowed for far more interesting explorations of the Watchmen universe.

Gary Frank's artwork is simply magnificent thanks to beautiful and detailed settings along with really expressive characters that perfectly tell the story by themselves.

Fantastic read, probably the best of the week once again.

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