miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

Some thoughts about Action Comics #1004

Can Superman return to his normal life?

Clark has been suffering all this because of the absence of his family and the return of his loved ones is exactly what he needed to go on.

This actually worked pretty effectively I believe.

Brian Bendis offers a new installment focusing on the return of Lois to Clark's life. The relationship between the two is the highlight and if there's something that I can appreciate about this issue is how Bendis portrays their dynamic, is a pretty realistic take on a married couple (Well, as realistic it can be considering the circunstances) and shows a lot of charming moments between them. The rest of the cast also get a moment to shine (One of my favorite moments being when Perry White asks Superman: "Any cancer?" about himself) and the plot progresses appropriately enough.

That being said, is not without its flaws. I believe that Bendis is trying to justify the fact that Lois and Jon left Clark too much and is not believable because there's no real reason for this aside from the forced direction he implemented for the book. Also, Clark kissed Lois as Superman in front of everyone which might put his secret identity in peril I think.

Ryan Sook's artwork is amazing with beautiful and expressive characters, vibrant style and strong storytelling.

Good read aside from usual issues, let's see where it goes.

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