viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016

Recommendations from the week November 9th 2016

In the following order:
  1. Deathstroke #6: Exactly what I want from this character.
  2. Superwoman #4: Ditto as the last one.
  3. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #8: Love the characterization.
  4. Gotham Academy: Second Semester #3: Solid conclusion for the storyarc.
  5. New Superman #5: Actually getting interesting.
  6. Red Hood and the Outlaws #4: Lobdell has done good.
  7. Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #4: Fun interactions.
  8. Detective Comics #944: Interesting story. 
  9. Mother Panic #1: Compelling enough to keep trying.
  10. All-Star Batman #4: Good aside from the usual Snyderisms.
  11. All-New X-Men #15: Finally some plot progression.
  12. The Flash #10: Okay aside from dull narration.
  13. Wonder Woman #10: Solid aside from some issues.
  14. Earth 2: Society #18: Enjoyable but needed more content.
  15. Supergirl #3: Decent but the pacing can be erratic.
No recommendations for Doom Patrol because of the overwhelming style.

Great week though.

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