miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Some thoughts about Futures End #18

Secrets continue to be unveiled.

What happened to Superman during all these years? What was Oliver Queen's true fate? What is Fifty-Sue planning to do in Cadmus?

After the satisfying previous issue, I'm happy to say that this one doesn't disappoint.

At this point we all know that Billy Batson is the Masked Superman but now is revealed what happened to the old one and despite that there's not much covered about it is still cool to see what he's currently doing.

A thing I should mention is that it would be better if you read Green Arrow: Futures End #1 before this one to understand what's currently happening in the next section, is pretty good too.

The Cadmus moments were also pretty interesting and I continue to enjoy Fifty-Sue as a character and it makes me wonder what are her future plans.

Georges Jeanty is in charge of the pencils and his work is quite competent with a pretty appealing style that depicts the story pretty well.

Another good issue, hope this trend continues.

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