martes, 1 de septiembre de 2020

Some thoughts about Batman #98


How can Batman be his former self?

Bruce is still trying to recuperate from the Joker's toxins and to do so, he will need Alfred's memory to make him remember who he really is.

Credit where credit is due, I thought this was pretty good character-wise.

James Tynion IV offers a new chapter that explores Batman's psyche. The segment is centered around the dynamic between Bruce and Alfred and I must say that Tynion actually touches pretty on-point aspects of the protagonist like his desire to save everyone despite that not every people can be saved, all of this is executed appropriately with many strong moments conveying such sentiment.

Then comes the weakest part involving Punchline, then again, this is not as bad as previous examples due that Harley is not portrayed as annoyingly as Tynion did before and in fact shows some interesting moments about her past. Plus, Punchline is beaten which is always a positive.

Jorge Jimenez returns to pencils and his work is still wonderful being able to elevate an already solid script to another level. Great storytelling all-around.

Solid read. Hope things stay this way.

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