martes, 15 de septiembre de 2020

Some thoughts about Justice League #53


Who is the Justice League of Dark Multiverse? 

Nightwing always dreamed to be part of the League but now that it no longer exists, he will have no choice but gather a team of heroes without a name.

Don't care about Death Metal but I care about Joshua Williamson so I'm here.

If there's something that I can always appreciate about the author is his respect for continuity and he doesn't disappoint in this opening chapter even if this a group of character out of the main continuity. This particular Dick Grayson still has the memories of a Robin who fondly remembers the Justice League and curiously enough, it consists of the classic Big 7 (Meaning Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern/Hal Jordan, The Flash/Barry Allen and the Martian Manhunter instead of Cyborg) and I'm quite happy about it since I believe that incarnation shouldn't ever be forgotten.

The rest of the issue progresses at an appropriate pace with the inclusion of other characters like Detective Chimp who brings his typical dose of humour, Batgirl and even Lex Luthor who has the logical development after his time as Perpetua's Herald. The story doesn't move too much but it sets-up the pieces adequately.

Xermanico handles the art and is pretty solid with expressive characters and tons of detail in the environments.

Good read, hope the next one follows this trend.

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