jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Some thoughts about The Flash #30

Can The Flash deal with consequences of his new powers?

Barry is becoming angrier after gaining the Negative Speed Force and now he will have to deal with a villain that might provoke himeven more.

This story continues at a nice pace.

Joshua Williamson delivers a new chapter from his Negative Flash arc in way that makes sense considering his new abilities. The way how the Negative Speed Force affects Barry makes a lot of sense considering how Thawne used to behave and this is even referenced in the story (although Thawne himself had his own issues without it anyway) which provides solid moments where Barry basically gets out of character but serve to progress the plot in a justifiable manner.

Not all is great though. The new villain is interesting enough with a intriguing ability and backstory. The problem is that he pretty much reveals that backstory in a pretty clunky way that reminds me of old-school villains and I think there were better ways to explore his past.

Neil Googe handles the artwork and at times it looks really good with a pretty flexible style but at times the characters can look awkward as well.

Solid stuff though, still on board.

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