miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

Some thoughts about Moon Knight #8

Who is truly Moon Knight?

Jake has been arrested for murder, Steven is having several visions while filming and Marc Spector is fighting for his life against a wolf race but maybe all of this is not even real.

This story becomes more and more interesting with every issue.

Jeff Lemire brings a new installment where he clashes all the different realities he has created for the protagonist and connects them in a pretty logical way. The pacing is pretty solid despite that we're talking about different segments due that each one of them has an interesting transition for that other that somehow is related to it, this is really the best way to handle this kind of hallucination sequences.

Of course, the main theme of the story is the insanity that Moon Knight is succumbing to and it starts escalating until the final page where the surprise arrives and makes you wonder what actually happens.

Francesco Francavilla, Wilfredo Torres, James Stokoe and Greg Smallwood share art duties and their work is certainly fitting for the different scenes they're handling.

Excellent read and continues to be one of the best Marvel books right now.

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