miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

Some thoughts about Catwoman: Election Night #1

It's Election season around the world.

Catwoman will need to deal with two candidates who are equally as dangerous while Prez will have to deal with the usual problems that affect the whole nation.

Okay, The Flintstones pretty much got the whole political angle right this week so what can this special provide?

Not much beyond that to be honest.

Catwoman's story is handled by Meredith Finch and as a story itself is incredibly mediocre at best and as a political commentary is even worse. Here The Penguin is pretty much Donald Trump, there's no other way to say it, is exactly the same misoginistic guy who is running against a woman and wants to "Make Gotham City great again!" and to be honest, the satire is so derivative and lazy that is almost offensive. I hate Trump just as much as the next sane person but this kind of parody completely lacks imagination.

On the other hand, the other candidate is not better since she's culprit of a murder when Selina and her were kids and tried to cover it. Credit where credit is due, I think this angle had potential at demonstrating that just because a candidate is an asshole, it doesn't mean that the other is perfect or that it could be just as bad. However, the underwhelming execution along with the clunky dialogue and characterization ultimately ruins such opportunity.

Shane Davis handles the artwork and is pretty solid from a pure superhero perspective. Good looking and expressive characters overall.

One would think that Mark Russell's Prez section would be much better and while it is, is not exactly the best either. He starts throwing several of his own ideas into the bag showing how the situation of the nation could be improved and while a lot of it is on-point, is also pretty heavyhanded and unimpressive. This makes me realize that the reason why I like Russell's Flintstones so much compared to Prez is that is a much more focused book with a strong political sense that never forgets that it also has a story and characters to explore, Prez seems to ignore that at times.

Ben Caldwell handles the artwork and is pretty distinctive while following the script nicely.

Yeah, I can't really recommend this one, keep reading The Flintstones.

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