miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

Some thoughts about Nightwing: The New Order #4

Whatever happened to the Titans?

Dick has been saved by his old teammates and now he will have to fight alongside them to stop the regime he created.

Interesting chapter.

Kyle Higgins continues this miniseries by developing more of the world around Dick. The way how he reinterpretes the Titans is logical enough and is especially surprising in some cases like the inclusion of Lois Lane as a Blue Lantern and in how both Kory and Dick's relationship worked. Is pretty obvious that Higgins is mostly basing his work on a possible future from the old DCU continuity and in that regard is acceptable.

About the plot, it progresses a fair bit with the pacing continually increasing just as well as the stakes while there are a few concepts and characters introduced here and there.

Trevor McCarthy's artwork is still pretty solid with expressive characters and a semi-cartoony style.

Enjoyable overall, hope the next one offers more of everything though.

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