miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

Some thoughts about Cyborg #4

Cyborg is lost in a world of nightmares.

Victor has been manipulated by a being who wants to control him and now he will be forced to live some of his worst fears and even things he don't remember.

Okay, once again I like the way how this is handled despite of some problems.

John Semper Jr. continues his exploration of Cyborg's mind by putting in a setting where he has to explore what he fears the most. There are some interesting aspects about Vic's personality to learn here aside from the expected including the fact that some of his memories have been blocked and this will most likely be developed in the future. Character-wise, this is also pretty on-point and continues to handle the theme of his own humanity.

On the other hand, the narration as a whole continues to be overwritten due that Semper tends to say more than he should. It doesn't sound particularly unnatural or obnoxious but is still noticeable.

Timothy Green II handles the art and his style is not as good as I remember, it doesn't look bad but is pretty unremarkable and the storytelling follows a similar route.

Thought this was okay chapter and the last page promises big things coming. Hope that Semper can polish some of his flaws though.

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