What is Mera's future?
There's a prophecy that says that Atlantis' Queen will ultimately brings its destruction but Mera simply doesn't believe in it. However, recent events might change her mind.
Another issue and another solid entry.
Dan Abnett brings a new chapter where this time he focuses on Mera and her mission to become Queen of Atlantis. The reason behind why the people of Atlantis doubt her so much is finally explained and makes sense considering how their prophecys tend to become true. The characterization is pretty solid with Mera acting as competent as usual while showing her interactions with other people from the surface world and more aspects about her current dilemma. No complaints there.
I have some complaints about Joanna, the woman who has been helping Arthur with the organization of N.E.M.O.. Her character is okay but she constantly keeps saying: "Crickey", "Bloody hell!" and "Sod off" to the point I almost scream: "Okay, I get it! She's British!". Is not necessarily obnoxious but is noticeable.
Brad Walker is back and is good to have him on the title again. His artstyle is as beautiful as usual with good looking characters and strong storytelling.
Entertaining overall aside from some nitpicks. Good job.
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