miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

Some thoughts about Daredevil #7

Daredevil's memories continue to haunt him.

Matt is still trying to save his mother from Wakanda and her current ruler, but his biggest problem is that he will have to deal with the thoughts that have been tormenting him for a while. What was the cause that made her abandon him?

I'm probably going to sound like a broken record at this point but I absolutely love this series.

Mark Waid once again creates a quite compelling little arc that explores some aspects from Daredevil's history that are for the most part ignored but does it in a way that it doesn't actually change their true meaning.

I mean, the true relationship between his parents is something that makes a lot of sense all things considered and makes his mother much more complex than ever before and creates a connection to Matt that wasn't particularly explained before.

Not all is what it seems about these memories.

Javier Rodriguez continues on artwork and his storytelling skills keep being quite accurate, making every scene even stronger and following the style that was created for this title.

Fantastic issue, one of the best reads from this week.

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