martes, 19 de enero de 2021

Some thoughts about Rorschach #4

Where are the Watchmen?

The Kid and Muscles had a connection, one that is related to Rorschach and the mysterious mission that follow it.

The plot is still far from being clear but I can't help but keep being intrigued.

Tom King offers a new installment where he explores the most recent identity of Rorschach. Yes, apparently there have been several different identities of the protagonist and Muscles is the one this issue is focused on, the story is centered around the relationship the Kid and him had and how that develop into the murder o several criminals. King uses his classic esoteric dialogue to progress this mystery in the most obscure way possible and while I usually dislike this tick of him, and there are a few cringey lines here and there, I find the overall idea interesting enough.

This is especially because of the involvement of the classic Watchmen characters. Yes, Doctor Manhattan, Ozymandias, Silk Spectre, Nite Owl and the Comedian had a role here, in a way that plays with the twist of Alan Moore's classic novel, in a more blunt way from that moment (Mind you, it could be that Muscles is an unreliable narrator and there is more than meets the eye here). Plus, the little moments like the pirate strips from the original book are appreciated.

Jorge Fornes' art continues to be stellar by being expressive and following the script as precise as possible.

Decent read, just hope to see more revelations next.

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