martes, 26 de enero de 2021

Some thoughts about Future State: Dark Detective #2

Is Bruce Wayne ready to return? 

The Peacemakers are ruling over Gotham and Bruce is doing what he can to continue his mission despite that the new law against vigilantes puts his life at risk.

This series continues and while the story is pretty slow, is still decently told.

Mariko Tamaki continues his tale about the return of Bruce Wayne with a lot of detail concerning the status quo. There's a lot of explanation about the current situation at Gotham including how the Peacemakers handle people outside the law and how Bruce deals with it. This allows for interesting details concerning the new supporting cast and to see the different perspectives about what's happening in the city.

This comes at detriment of plot progression though because we're not closer to learn about the true antagonist nor we see any actual advance in the investigation.

Dan Mora's artwork is fantastic though, the Greg Capullo's influence becames more prominent due to the beautiful and detailed style that depicts the story perfectly.

There's a second segment focusing on Red Hood written by Joshua Williamson of all people which also deals with the new anti-Vigilante law except that Jason works for it instead. This creates a compelling development for him and the inclusion of Rose Wilson into the plot is appreciated (although I don't like how a relationship between them is pushed but I do like how Jason's red hair is referenced). The section ends in a pretty humourous way as well. Giannis Milonogiannis's pencils are pretty unique and precise.

Decent issue overall, hope the next one offers more development in the story though.

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