martes, 27 de octubre de 2020

Some thoughts about Suicide Squad #10

The Suicide Squad might be done now.

Black Mask has been manipulating the team all this time and now they will have to include him into their mission now which might be their last.

I'm going to say this right away. There are writers that due to their stories and characterization earn the right to kill certain characters despite of how popular they are. Tom Taylor didn't earn the right to kill Deadshot.

Right from the beginning, Floyd didn't get the spotlight due that Taylor was too busy with his pet characters (Big surprise) and when he eventually got it, he wasn't even portrayed properly. AS I mentioned before, Taylor's Deadshot was just too bland for his own sake, far from John Ostrander's cold psychopath or even Gail Simone's funny killer, his whole role was to introduce his daughter to this series and I don't think another Gabby from Marvel is enough to compensate for the loss of Deadshot (Sure, he might not be dead in the long term but still).

The story is predictable at this point. Ted Kord was not the villain, Taylor's pet characters don't get killed and the issue ends rather quickly. Pretty by the numbers.

Bruno Redondo's artwork is still great though with creative layouts and storytelling along with beautiful characters.

Can't recommend this. Just like DCeased, this is getting too Taylor.

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