viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2018

Some thoughts about Michael Cray #11

What are Diana Prince's plans?

After the death of her father, Diana has firmly believed that she's descendant from the Gods and is ready to find their power no matter the sacrifices.

We're getting closer to the end and this worked really well once again.

Bryan Hill offers a new installment where he explores Diana's background and shows to be more interesting than what I initially thought. Once again, Hill presents the idea that Diana's abilities are not really related to supernatural forces, in fact, the death of his father immediately puts this at doubt but still gives her a good motivation and justification to believe in her Gods. This allows for the introduction of other characters from the DCU like Lex Luthor and Doctor Fate in compelling manners.

Michael's involvement in the chapter is not as deep this time but his story is still progressing and the fight with his own illness is apparently leading to a powerful conclusion.

Even N. Steven Harris' artwork is much better this time around with a much more polished look and more attractive characters.

Solid read, hope the finale is appropriate.

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