miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2017

Some thoughts about Aquaman #31

The Resistance is growing.

Arthur has decided to form an army to defeat King Rath without knowing that his most loved person is in peril.

This story is getting better and better.

Dan Abnett offers a new chapter where he continues to expand the world around Atlantis more than ever. The characterization works perfectly due that the writer understands how the whole cast should act in this situation by portraying Arthur as a pretty competent leader and even referencing past events like Vulko's actions in Throne of Atlantis and King Shark's time on the surface world.

The worldbuilding is also pretty solid since Abnett is still developing the different races the inhabit the sea and how they're connected to the classic Aquaman mythos. The ongoing comparison between Rath and Trump is still going on and again, it works quite well considering the similarities.

Riccardo Federici handles the art and while he's no Stjepan Sejic, he still follows the same tone he implemented in this story and creates a pretty solid fantasy style.

Great read, hope the next one arrives soon.

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