miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2017

Some thoughts about Titans #18

Donna Troy will have to face her future.

Troia is decided to make her world a reality by getting rid of all her former friends, that is unless one of her loved ones return.

Well, this was pretty predictable but necessarily bad.

Dan Abnett concludes this story about an evil Donna Troy in a way that makes sense at least. The way how Troia ends-up being defeated is classic "You're not me" that the protagonist declares and eventually finds their own identity which at least brings some sort of closure for the whole arc that Donna has been enduring. Wally coming back to life was something obvious but at least served its purpose and brought some fun moments.

The characterization is appropriate for the most part with the interactions between the cast being enjoyable and creating decent set-ups for the future.

Brett Booth is in charge of the pencils and is pretty adequate here, particularly during action scenes thanks to the energetic feel.

Yeah, "decent enough" is appropriate. I wish this was better as a whole though.

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