Green Arrow has met his match.
Oliver has been trying to find the person who has been committing crimes and blaming him for them but he might not be ready to learn his true identity.
... Heh.... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
You know, this is actually hysterical. I actually didn't think Percy was this incompetent but he has proved me wrong once again.
Remember that in the last issue I mentioned how Percy simply dropped this little piece of info: "Oh, your old pal Tommy Merlyn? He's working as a mercenary!" and how cluncky and heavyhanded it was because Percy couldn't bother with a proper build-up and instead left that little line at a poor attempt of saying: "Oh yeah, this guy exists and is coming!"?
Well, it turns out that it was handled even worse than I anticipated due that Percy mentioned that just because Merlyn was going to appear in this issue. He really couldn't bother with a proper development but he still wanted to telegraph his introduction anyway which is a classic example of terribly amateurish writing, the kind of writing that you would only find in fanfics these days but still somehow appears in print form now.
Oh, but there's even a twist here!
Yes, is not really Tommy Merlyn, is actually Malcolm Merlyn... which is an even worse result I think because at least there was some precedence for Tommy's appearance while Malcolm wasn't mentioned at all during the title and so his appearance makes no sense whatsover. What, did Percy include him just because he's a character in Arrow?
Also, Ollie can't stop Malcolm from killing people who are just in front of him. Nice portrayal of the protagonist.
Eleonora Carlini, Carlos Rodriguez and Gus Vasquez handle the artwork and they fortunately maintain a comsistent and stylish work during the course of the story.
But why even bother with the art when the plot is so awful? Skip and f*ck this.
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