miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

Some thoughts about Midnighter and Apollo #1

The World's Finest couple is back.

Midnighter and Apollo are finally working together once again. However, in the search for Henry Bendix, Midnighter will realize that caring for someone is more problematic than he expected.

Well, it was good to see that the great Midnighter series is continuing in other places and written by Steve Orlando once again, this book is destined to succeed.

And Orlando certainly doesn't disappoint here since this book is pretty much a direct sequel to his last one with Apollo and Midnighter reunited and handling their own problems as a couple. The action scenes are nicely paced with lots of fun moments and lines that bring a lot to the kinetic tone of segment (which was also one of the strongest aspects from the last title), this allows for really intense action sequences that never get boring.

Best of all though, is the relationship-building between the protagonist due that Orlando gets the best from both and their romances which even includes some serious questions about the nature of their own personalities. Add the little mentions to other obscure characters from the DCU, including one of my personal favorites, and you will find a lot to like.

Fernando Blanco does a wonderful job at following the tone of the previous series with strong and cinematic action scenes and a pretty detailed style.

Promising beginning, more like this please.

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