sábado, 13 de febrero de 2021

Some thoughts about Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman #2

Can Superman and Wonder Woman defeat Gods?

Jon and Yara need to learn more about each other if they want to have a chance against both Kuat and Solaris and their respective strengths might be the key to their victory.

Yeah, that description makes the story seems pretty predictable because it is. However, the issue itself didn't irk me as much as the last one and it does provide a few interesting ideas.

Dan Watters finishes his story about Jon and Yara against the Sun Gods by playing as safe as possible. I mean, how were you expecting them to defeat both antagonists? If you guessed that they were going to exchange their respective villains to beat them then of course you were pretty damn right, it's the most cliche tactic in the history of team-ups. 

Credit where credit is due though, Watters at least showcases a few enjoyable moments of characterization with the Sun Gods dealing with the protagonists. I still highly dislike Watters' Yara since she seems rather annoying and conflicts heavily with the version that Joelle Jones was writing about but the concept of Jon having a different perspective from his father as Superman because he's both Kryptonian and human is compelling enough.

Leila Del Duca's artwork is quite unique, depicting each character appropriately based on the situation while following the script precisely.

Not bad but there have been better tie-ins.

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