martes, 18 de agosto de 2020

Some thoughts about Teen Titans #44


Can the Teen Titans stop Robin?

Damian is on the run after his recent actions and his former friends will have to put a stop to his violence but they're not the only ones on the hunt.

Yep, things are just not getting better.

Robbie Thompson offers a new installment and is getting pretty clear the writer doesn't really know what to do here. As I mentioned during the last couple issues, the whole cast were pretty out of character with the very personal voice that they got during Adam Glass' run being basically unrecognizable. This is not only limited to the main cast though since now KGBeast speaks in a very stereotypical way just because he's Russian (which didn't happen in his recent appearances in other books). The dialogue is a mess overall.

The plot is also pretty barebones since it's mostly centered around the idea of "killing is bad!" which, yeah, is an overly-repetitive theme and I believe Glass did more interesting developments with the idea of superheroes being more proactive. Not only that but the whole issue being dedicated to the hunt of Damian makes it a rather fast read. Also, Batman only appears in the final page, that cover is fake advertisement.

Javier Fernandez's art is pretty solid though, he always knows to depict the script as clearly as possible.

He can't salvage this though. Ugh, what a waste.

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