martes, 18 de agosto de 2020

Some thoughts about Batman #97


How can Batman escape from the Joker's toxin?

Bruce is fighting for his life against his nemesis but if he wants to be free from his influence, he will the need the aid of old enemies.

Worked a little better despite of the still weak premise.

James Tynion IV offers a new chapter where he continues Batman's hallucinations. Again, despite of the repetitive idea, the Joker's toxin allows for some interesting scenarios for Bruce, some of them include the already tiring flashbacks to the death of his parents but others create entertaining fight segments at the very least.

The plot is just centered around the Joker's rise which is pretty dull but the execution is not bad and presents a few good moments. Plus, there are certain sub-plots about a certain Clownhunter and how Punchline and Harley will have yet another encounter (and I really hope that Harley kicks Punchline's ass this time despite that I don't like Tynion's Harley).

Jorge Jimenez handles the art and I doubt this issue would be half as entertaining without him. He manages to elevate the script to huge levels thanks to his intense and creative storytelling. If anything Tynion should be thankful he was paired with such talented artists.

Not bad, let's see how things go on.

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