domingo, 6 de junio de 2021

Some thoughts about Suicide Squad #4

Can the Suicide Squad take down Red X?

The infiltration to Teen Titans Academy didn't go as well as expected and now the team will have to fight one of their most powerful members, and things are only bound to get worse for them.

Jesus Christ, I swear to God that both this title and Teen Titans Academy are fiercely competing for who goes higher on my Top Ten Worst DC Comics list of this year.

They have way too much in common and I don't even understand why since they're written by different authors but it seems like Robbie Thompson is following the fanficky direction of Tim Sheridan and is portraying Red X as Mary Sue-ish as possible with the whole Suicide Squad commenting about how he is a "Batman-level intellect in the field" and easily losing to him (which I don't think even Batman would manage to do as quickly). Worst of all is that that's the whole frikking plot. Red X being overly-competent and the group not even progressing their own agenda.

The rest of the cast don't fare much better since their characterization is still too simplistic. Not to mention that Culebra keeps getting on my nerves and makes me realize why Thompson failed so much at writing Roundhouse as a comic relief character during his Teen Titans run since Culebra here is utterly annoying.

Eduardo Pansica's artwork is solid though with expressive characters and clear storytelling.

Aside from that, waste of time and money. What a poor crossover.

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