martes, 18 de mayo de 2021

Some thoughts about Justice League #61

Can the Justice League survive in another planet?

The team has followed Naomi to a world that might have clues to her origin. However, they were not expecting that place to alter their powers in different ways.

Okay, this wasn't half-bad for once.

Brian Bendis offers a new chapter where he continues the cliffhanger of the last once concerning the League arriving to a mysterious planet. The characterization works better than the last few issues I feel, mostly because there are genuinely entertaining scenes focusing on the interactions between the cast, I especially digged how Batman kept Naomi calm during one of her anxiety attacks ("Ducktales") and, while I don't particularly like this take or the fact they're together, I think Green Arrow and Black Canary were depicted decently here.

That's not to say that this is without problems since the decompression is still a common flaw in Bendis' writing. The plot barely progresses here and we don't have any answers yet about where this run is actually going.

David Marquez' art is pretty good as usual with expressive characters and clear storytelling.

Ram V continues his Justice League Dark second feature and I'm surprised that with fewer pages he's able to tell a more content packed story than Bendis. Solid plot progression along with interesting worldbuilding and appropriate character moments. Xermanico's artwork is also quite solid and detailed. This deserves its own title.

Decent overall, hope the next one is better.

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