martes, 18 de mayo de 2021

Some thoughts about The Flash #770

Is up to Wally West to stop Hitler now.

Wally has arrived to World War II in the body of none other than Jay Garrick. However, things are not going to get easy once that the leader of the Nazis gets superpowers.

Getting a little better but not without some of the usual flaws.

Jeremy Adams delivers a new chapter with an even more interesting premise. If there's something that I can give to the author is that each new entry is more entertaining than the last one, on paper at the very least. This time the plot is centered around Jay Garrick's time in World War II where he alongside The Ray try to stop Hitler which is always a great time. In fact, the characterization for both Jay and Happy Terril is solidly done with engaging interactions between the two and that's even before Wally enters into the mix. The story moves at a fast pace and thankfully no idea overstays its welcome.

Then again, come some of the problems I have with Adams' writing that at times, at times, can be funny but many of the lines can also be cringey. The dialogue as a whole doesn't have much personality or cleverness and this is reflected on the execution as a whole since the concept of the issue is great but the craft often doesn't reach the high levels that such idea deserves.

That being said, I'm definitely looking forward the next issue since it does have an even more intriguing premise.

Jack Herbert and Brandon Peterson share art duties and their work is, again, fine with expressive enough characters but it can be too conventional for my taste. Kevin Maguire also contributes at the end and he's one of the reasons why I'm excited for the next chapter.

Decent enough. The following entry should be better though, it definitely has the potential for it.

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