Who murdered Sideways' mother?
Derek has finally found out who destroyed his family and he will have to take a decision that could alter everyone's lives.
This series has come to a conclusion and while it had its ups and downs, I believe this finale worked satisfactorily.
Dan Didio brings the final chapter where once again, subverts quite a few comic tropes here. As we have seen in previous issues, the writer is not afraid of playing with expectations and that's exactly what he does here concerning who is actually the culprit of Derek's mother and the truth is really mundane, going against what you would expect in superhero comics but at the same time, works with some of the themes the series has been handling (The same happens with how Derek decides to handle the culprit). Even the meeting with Derek's birth mother plays with expectations due that Derek decides that he doesn't really care about her because his true mother is the one who raised him which seems pretty on-point to me (and I appreciate that the Spanish implemented here was pretty fluid).
Funnily enough, this conclusion also works as a new beginning because the writer decides to develop a few new ideas for a possible sequel in yet another series and these ideas are centered around one of the biggest plot-points of this series.
Keneth Rocafort handles the art and is beautiful as always thanks to his great sense of energy and creative storytelling.
Good conclusion. This series never quite reached the highs I as hoping for but still managed to be entertaining as a whole.
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