miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

Some thoughts about Moon Knight #9

Behold the many lives of Moon Knight.

Marc Spector has been fighting against his mental illness for years but maybe is time to accept it as it is to save the world.

WOW! This issue certainly exceeded my expectations.

Jeff Lemire arrives with a new chapter where he explores the whole nature of Moon Knight's multiple personalities and does it in a way that makes a lot of sense. For one, Lemire references one of the early identities Marc had and how it was more connected to a typical superhero including the classic costume and his fight against supervillains while Lemire's own creations like the Space Moon Knight are depicted in a meta manner by mentioning how it was just a new sketch that wasn't really well-developed.

The best part of this is that all of this is to make the character move forward. The writer understands that Marc needs to start becoming more than his multiple identities and illness and actually progress as a person which creates a pretty interesting development for the future.

Art duties are shared by Greg Smallwood, Wilfredo Torres, Francesco Francavilla and James Stokoe and they all do a wonderful job in their respective sections and while their styles can be pretty different from one another's, they still maintain a consistent tone.

Excellent chapter. Easily the best so far and makes me excited for the conclusion.

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