martes, 28 de mayo de 2024

Some thoughts about Green Arrow #12

Can Green Arrow be redeemed of his mistakes?

Oliver is about to get killed by copies of his own family and he wants to survive he will need the help of the real deal.

This storyarc comes to a kinda abrupt conclusion but not without a few good moments.

Joshua Williamson concludes this little storyline by giving us more insight about Ollie's mentality during his early years. I believe the writer creates a pretty understandable portrayal of what Ollie felt during his time in the island while also connecting to the classic characters and themes that we have seen over the years and manages to create an appropriate reunion with his family.

That being said, I feel that the conflict, while having a logical ending, ended way too quickly and I wish such time was dedicated more to either Ollie's struggle to beat Merlyn or exploring the dynamic between the two. As it is, it feels like Williamson really wanted to conclude this first year in a heartwarming way by focusing a lot of time on the relationship between Team Arrow but by doing so, robbed us from a more satisfying fight and a finale that doesn't feel that earned.

Phil Hester, Eric Gapstur and Sean Izaakze handle the art once again and they are pretty solid during their respective sections with Hester once again nailing that sense of nostalgia.

Despite of some of the problems, I did enjoy this for the most part. Hope following stories improve upon this.

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