martes, 25 de junio de 2024

Some thoughts about Green Arrow #13

What's happening to Green Arrow?

Oliver's pact with Amanda Waller is making him turn against his own family and now is up to Roy and the rest to figure out what's happening to him.

A new arc begins and despite that they pretty much forced Green Arrow into the new Absolute Power event, I do think there's something promising here.

Joshua Williamson opens this chapter with an idea he has been teasing for a while, about how Ollie's morality will be put at a test by working alongside Waller. The writer doesn't waste any time by introducing the theme of the storyline although there's also a huge emphasis on character work and as always is great to see how Williamson plays with continuity by referencing the connection both Connor and Emiko have with Damian Wayne and how Lian actually mentions being "blown up" (which is pretty sad all things considered), is very fun to see the whole family interacting with each other.

The plot progresses at a fast pace while also presenting a mystery about why Ollie is doing all of this and this allows for an interesting dynamic with Peacemaker and it all makes sense considering their different backgrounds. If there's a complaint I have is that I don't think Roy should be that attached to Cheshire considering all the things she has done but this is compensated by showing how Ollie pretty much leaves everything to Roy, even his whole role (although what happens at the end is also logical).

Amancay Nahuelpan handles the art and is frankly beautiful, full of expressive characters, great storytelling and a vibrant style.

Great read, hope things continue this way.

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