miércoles, 29 de enero de 2020

Some thoughts about Suicide Squad #2

Can the Suicide Squad work with each other?

The new members of the team are forced to work with the old ones and that can only end so well.

The description is short because this chapter is equally short.

I was not expecting more from Tom Taylor honestly since he's wildly known for his decompressed writing but still, this issue doesn't offer much. We follow the ramifications of the last chapter with the young revolutionaries being forced to work with the Squad. There are a few decent moments of characterization concerning the things that happened before with a few of the members dying and the issue even creates some interesting sub-plots.

That being said, this issue is definitely lacking in content with a plot that ends even before it begins, making it a really fast read and Taylor's dialogue is not exactly the most subtle either with a few blunt lines that say more than they should.

Bruno Redondo handles the art and I'm a fan of his expressive and vibrant artstyle that follows the script perfectly.

Not bad but needs more stuff happening next time.

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