miércoles, 15 de enero de 2020

Some thoughts about Flash Forward #5

Can Wally West recover what he lost?

Wally has finally found his children but now he's forced to face everything that has happened so far in his life and he's bound to lose even more.

The history of Wally West continues in every sense of the word.

Scott Lobdell offers a new installment and if it wasn't obvious that he's implementing the full continuity of the character before, it is now. The complete history of Wally West is retold here with a lot of detail even despite of the constant changes of continuity which shows how much attention Lobdell is paying to the protagonist. Hell, even Jai and Irey's appearance is faithful since even Irey's short time as Impulse is referenced here, it's good stuff.

Lobdell might be also hinting that Wally's, let's say, misguiden characterization so far was because of the changes in history altered his mind. Is still not sure if that was the author's intention but that might play an important aspect in the conclusion.

Brett Booth handles the art and he's surprisingly competent at referencing all the important moments in Wally's life with a lot of detail.

Good read, hope the ending is satisfying.

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