miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2019

Some thoughts about Catwoman #8

Will Catwoman accept a new risky job?

The Penguin has contacted Selina to steal a precious object but she should know better than to trust certain people.

Well, we're following the same pattern here.

Joelle Jones offers a new installment where she explores a few new interesting concepts. The idea of Selina working alongside The Penguin is a classic one and allows for a few compelling scenarios concerning their own dynamic. New characters are also introduced that present a good foil for the protagonist while at the same time, the main antagonist that Selina faced at the beginning is bound to return.

The thing is that this is still a fast as hell read. Yeah, plot-points are being developed, the story is escalating to bigger things and the chapter deliver exciting scenes but at the same time is over before you would expect. I wish there was more content.

Elena Casagrande and Fernando Blanco remain in art duties and their work is still solid and follow Jones more action oriented plot appropriately.

Nice read but I wish there was more. Let's hope for the better next time.

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