miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019

Some thoughts about Shazam #2

What are the Magiclands?

Billy and his family are investigating more of the world of magic which will lead them to the Funlands and the strange events that happen in it.

This story is getting more interesting all right.

Geoff Johns offers a new installment where he continues his classic worldbuilding leading to one of the 7 Magiclands that were teased during the last issue. The magical fair setting is quite interesting and fits with the age of the cast perfectly, there's also a sense of danger around which obviously makes you suspect that everything that is happening is too good to be true. The characters continue to shine based on their relationship and is always entertaining seeing interact with one another.

There are also quite a few sub-plots being developed. The return of Billy's father opens quite a few dilemmas for the entire family while other plot-points that seemed long gone like Doctor Sivana's condition and his partnership with Mr. Mind and thankfully brought back.

Marco Santucci handles the art and is okay, not particularly beautiful but depicts character expressions fine enough.

Good read, hope the next one offers more revelations.

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