miércoles, 9 de enero de 2019

Some thoughts about Batman #62

What does Professor Pyg want?

Batman has been captured by one of his worst enemies and now will have to face his own doubts and fears only to discover that he should have let other people in his life in.

Well, this issue pretty much combined everything wrong with Tom King's writing all right.

Let's start with the most obvious problem here: The narration. The issue is basically told from Batman's perspective and that doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing but the problem is that King tells everything that is happening in narration boxes, every little thought that Bruce has is expressed that way and so makes the issue feel overwritten and asphyxiating. Worst of all is that there's not a lot of interesting stuff to read here since Batman is basically describing his battle against "Pyg" while also constantly mentioning how much he has been suffering all this time and of course, this is basically a retelling of everything that has happened so far and there's not even a change of scenario to make things more varied. Is just a big fight, that's all.

Oh, but there needed to be a "twist" here! I've mentioned "Pyg" because he's actually Damian who kidnapped Bruce and mentally tortured him as one of his villains just so his father could "let him in".

... Okay, how the F*CK do you justify this?

Yes, Damian is not exactly the softest boy around but even then I believe that he will have asked Bruce to share his thoughts with him before commiting all this stupid stuff. This would have worked be... no wait, it still wouldn't have worked at all even if King would have added a scene of Bruce neglecting his son before this but still would have been something. This is just so ridiculous and forced that it doesn't even surprise me, King just needed to portray yet another character badly to fit into his story.

Mitch Gerads' artwork is great of course but he's wasted in a story where he can't exploit his storytelling techniques.

What a great way to start the year.

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