miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

Some thoughts about Grayson #10

Grayson is on the run.

After seemingly betraying his organization, Dick will have no other choice but try to escape from the people he used to trust and things could get even worse once that he finds the man who killed him once.

Well, this continues to be a quite unique read.

Tim Seeley and Tom King arrive with a new chapter of their ongoing story where they play with the mystery about how the whole organization of Spyral is apparently being manipulated by external forces and Dick is the one who is suffering the most for it. The characterization remains strong with the writers demonstrating how competent the protagonist can be and how he's able to handle this situation his way.

One of the best aspects here is the dynamic between the characters. The relationship between Dick and Helena makes things even more complicated for both of them to act and Dick's encounter with Lex Luthor proves to be one of the most entertaining moments from the issue, I have to say I enjoyed all the jokes at Luthor's expense.

Mikel Janin remains in art duties and his work remains impressive with beautiful characters, precise storytelling and great style that makes the story much, much better.

Excellent issue with a lot of personality. Definitely check it out.

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