miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

Some thoughts about Green Lantern: New Guardians: Futures End #1

The future has changed Kyle Rayner, for better or worse.

Saysoran is a girl from another world who seems to want something different from what has been happening lately and to accomplish such task she will need to face the person culprit of their current state.

This is the perfect example about why I think this is the best Green Lantern title currently.

Justin Jordan creates a wonderful scenario where he explores the possibilities of Kyle's new abilities and how they not only have changed him but the universe aroung himself.

While the story takes place from Kyle's perspective, the protagonist is Saysoran and how she views the situation of her world in a completely different way and is decided to change it. This not only presents a pretty different form of storytelling from what we're used to in this series but also allows to explore yet another planet and creates a compelling theme for the potential of the White Lantern.

Plus, there are several teases that connect with what's currently happening in the usual DC continuity. The ending was also quite fitting.

Diogenes Neves is on art duties and his work is beautiful, really expressive characters and great storytelling techniques that makes this story much better.

Wonderful issue, one of the best from this run so far.

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