miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

Some thoughts about Aquaman and the Others: Futures End #1

The fight between Atlantis and The Others is about to reach its climax.

Aquaman has been imprisoned by his own people and the Dead King continues to look for the Atlantis' relics. The battle will bring the death to one of the members from The Others and so one of them will have to finally accept his role in the team.

This was actually an enjoyable little story.

Dan Jurgens continues his tale that started in the pages of Aquaman this month and concludes it resolving a lot of the sub-plots that started in the previous chapter. A lot of the members from the cast receive a good moment of characterization and it was great to see how the future has changed most of them.

Plus, the final moments from one of the protagonists were pretty touching and I'm pretty sure this is going to happen one way or another in the usual continuity.

Sean Chen is in charge of the pencils and his work is solid, his style is not that appealing but he still delivers some good scenes.

A nicely done conclusion, pretty much like what I've seen so far from Jurgens' work in this series.

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