martes, 20 de febrero de 2024

Some thoughts about Superman #11

Lex Luthor's plans have come to fruition in the worst way possible.

Lex's enemies are making their final strike against him and they are planning to use his whole family for it but the worst is that Lex deserves all of this and Metropolis will pay for it.

I have a few issues here but overall, this is another entertaining chapter.

Joshua Williamson brings his classic love of continuity to drop a lot of info here. From what actually happened to Lex's daughter and mother is nicely explained because of little details that happened over the years in the history of the character and the motivations for their respective actions are pretty logical, even plot-points like Luthor's previous encounters with Kryptonite are used for the story in devastating manners that makes the cliffhanger pretty interesting.

However, all this info dump makes some of the pacing a bit erratic due that it happens in the middle of a big fight that doesn't have the best transitions between scenes to begin with. Fortunately, is not that big of a problem and the ideas here make the chapter feel like a very content-packed read.

David Baldeon handles the art and is decent with expressive enough characters but I feel like the storytelling is not that great which is not helped by the already fast-paced story.

Decent overall, let's see how things continue.

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