martes, 12 de septiembre de 2023

Some thoughts about World's Finest: Teen Titans #3

Can the Teen Titans handle their own fans?

The team has arrived to their own Con and now they will have to suffer what people obsessed with them can do and the worst part is that their own leader can't be part of this.

Another issue, another solid chapter.

Mark Waid brings these characters to a Comic Con like scenario and all the years of experience the writer has in such place has paid off. The appearance of crazy fans who don't know any boundaries seems pretty realistic just like the different reactions of the cast based on their own personalities, for example people like Wally and Roy love this kind of attention while Donna and Bumblebee not so much, meanwhile the ongoing plot-point of Robin trying to get away from the team due to Batman's influence continues to develop.

Of course Waid also uses this opportunity to explore what the most dangerous and obsessive people can do in these situations and is even worst when they become supervillains, this once again, is taken in a very realistic manner and handled appropriately while the current mystery of who is going after the Titans progresses.

Emanuela Lupacchino remains in art duties and her work is still perfect thanks to her beautiful and expressive characters along with the precise storytelling.

Good read, hope the next one doesn't take too long to release.

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